Uniqueness of Brazilian Bee Propolis
Brazilian bee propolis is a unique natural resource in Brazil and has been considered as the best propolis in the world. It contains high levels of flavonoids and phenolic compounds that enhance the immunity then able to fight against diseases.[1]
Propolis from different origins displays different chemical composition, depending on the local flora and bees at the site of collection. The main botanical source of brazilian propolis is Baccharis dracunculifolia, also called green or Alecrim propolis. It is a native plant from Brazil widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation, the problem of digestive system [1] brazilian propolis has gained its reputation as a health food with high purity and quality.
Rich Source of Natural Minerals, Amino Acids and Multivitamins
Bee propolis contains the various types of nutrient from bees and plants. Researches showed that propolis contains more than 300 types of bioactive ingredients, including flavonoids and phenolic compounds, various essential minerals and amino acids, bioactive organic compounds like aromatic acid and tannins, provitamin A , vitamin B-complex, C, and E.[2,3]
Proteins extracted from propolis help inhibit undesirable viruses and bacteria and promote growth of probiotics in the body.[2,4,5] Propolis is a strong antioxidant to protect cells.[2] It also provides phytochemicals which stimulate regeneration of cells.[6]
Brazilian propolis is rich in flavonoids and phenolic compounds. These active compounds, especially flavonoids, have high medical value. Referring to the book Chinese Herbal Medicine (中華本草), propolis has been stated as having skin nourishing and regeneration effect, and is helpful in relieving ulcers and various skin injuries and disorders such as burns. [3]
Know more about Echinacea:
Echinacea has always been used as one of herbal medicine in Europe and the United States. The most commonly used are Echinacea purpurea, E. angustifolia and E. pallida. Some studies have shown that ingredients in echinacea can promote phagocytosis of human macrophages to enhance the autoimmune function [19], oral echinacea has medical effects of a cold, and therefore it is widely for use in relieving the discomfort of upper respiratory diseases. [13, 14, 15, 16]
Propolis may provide the following benefits:
- Improve response to infections[2,7]
- Keep nervous system healthy[8]
- Promote tissue regeneration[3,6]
- Improve heart & brain blood circulation[9]
- Maintain healthy eyes[10] and liver[2]
- Nourish joints[11]
- Antioxidant and improve skin tone[2,12]
Echinacea has the following benefits:
- Can reduce the symptoms of colds and their incidence[13,14]
- Relieve upper respiratory tract discomfort [15,16]
- Increase immunity[19]
- Promote wound healing[17,18]
Recommended Daily Dose:
Adults take 1-2 softgel capsules daily or as directed by physicians.
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