YesNurtri follows strict quality control. All the product item(s) have been strictly inspected before being arranged for delivery. After placing the order on successfully, no unreasonable return or refund arrangement will be accepted. However, we treasure every customer. Our team will conduct the utmost flexibility to handle each case.
Here below are our general return/refund arrangements:
1) Once you find any damage or quality defects when receiving our product item(s), please be sure to take photos for the record
2) Please send a Whatsapp message to (852) 5186 3372 or email to: [email protected] within 7 working days from the delivery date
3) If a product has exceeded the specified seven-day delivery date, YesNutri will not accept returns or provide a refund.
provide the following Information:
- Online Order number and Product item(s) / Name
- Information about the damaged product item(s) and the reason for the return.
3) Please keep and return all packaging, including the original box. Customers must make sure that all packaging is in good condition.
4) The general processing of local orders is as follows (the order of priority is:)
- Customers can replace product item(s) of the same value (the customer can pay for the supplement to exchange for higher value product). The delivery charge will be borne by the company. Only one exchange can be accepted per order.
- Customers can choose to redeem the same value of the points on the next purchase as a refund arrangement (applicable to members of the YesNutri online shop). Please note that the point period is valid for one year.
It will take 5-10 working days (calculated from the date of receipt of the returned product item(s) for the above procedures) Our Customer Service Department will notify you of all the details once the necessary process is completed
- Direct refund (once receipt of return)
If a refund option is arranged, the time will take around 10-15 working days. Please note that the actual refund time will be affected by different situations, such as public holidays, Weekends, etc.
- YesNutri reserves our right to reject any requests to refund / exchange the product item(s) if there are any damages.
5) Refund Methods include the following:
– PayMe or local bank FPS account number.
– Stripe Credit Card Online Refund. (If the customer pays through Stripe to place the order, the refund must go through same payment gateway instead of others.) Please note any admin/handling fees involved in the order shall be borne by the customers.
- Refundable/ Exchangeable Items – Please refer to 1.1 for details:
- Non-refundable/ Non-exchangeable Items – Please refer to 2.1 for details:
- Overseas Order – Please refer to Rule 3.1
1.1 Refundable/ Exchangeable Product Item(s)s:
- Product Item(s) was damaged during delivery.
- Product Item(s) have expired at the time of delivery.
- Missing Product Item(s) in delivery or Product Item(s) inconsistent with the original order.
2.1) Non-refundable/ Non-exchangeable Product Item(s) include, but are not limited to:
a) Any Product Item(s) that has been opened or used (taken out of box)
b) Any Product Item(s) that is returned more than 7 days after receipt. (Subject to the shipping company’s delivery record).
c) Any Product Item(s) that fails to be delivered to the Customer Service of the Company for inspection.
d) Any Product Item(s) is rejected based on personal preferences.
e) Any Product Item(s) with damage that is caused by inappropriate storage of customers.
f) Any Product Item(s) with appearance defects that are caused during delivery and have no influence on the quality of the Product Item(s) (including but not limited to the packing box , bottle, loose wrinkles and scratches)
g) Please ensure the recipient’s name, phone number, and delivery address are correct before placing the order. Any delay due to incorrect information provided or theft by third parties, customers will be responsible for any cost incurred.
3.1 Oversea Order
YesNutri welcomes any orders from overseas people. In general, product Item(s) will be sent by Hongkong Post services. Please note delivery times may vary depending on different destinations.
- Since different countries have different customs requirements for healthcare product items, we cannot guarantee delivery to every overseas address. We strongly advise customers to thoroughly understand their country’s customs regulations before placing an order.
- In case of customs or shipping problems, guests are allowed to cancel the order before shipping, and YesNutri will execute the refund procedure. Any delay in logistics due to transportation problems, company will not be accepted as the reason for the refund.
- Once product items are shipped, it is not possible to modify the delivery address, recipient details, or any other information related to the order.
- For any reason, the product items cannot be delivered successfully to the provided address, they may be returned to YesNutri. In such circumstances, we will notify you via email and discuss the latest shipping cost for a possible re-delivery.
Force Majeure
If, for reasons beyond our control, such as force majeure events (such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes, abnormal social events, strikes, riots, etc.), any product item(s) cannot be delivered, YesNutri will make arrangements for a refund. Please note that YesNutri reserves the right to modify, add, or remove any part of these Terms & Conditions without prior notice. In the event of any disputes, the final and conclusive decision will be made by YesNutri.