Encyclopedia of nutrition


蜂膠Propolis 卓營方營養教室(2)

Propolis is a resinous substance made by honeybees by collecting plant resins and nectar and mixing them with saliva. Propolis has antibacterial and preservative properties. Bees use it to build and repair their hives, protecting the honeycomb from harmful substances.

Propolis contains a variety of nutrients, such as vitamin C, E, zinc and copper. It also contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Flavonoids are one of the active components in propolis, known for their natural antimicrobial properties and their ability to inhibit inflammatory reactions. They can help alleviate symptoms of nasal allergies, throat swelling or pain caused by bacteria or viruses, soothe the throat, and restore respiratory health. Propolis is widely used in oral care products as well. It promotes wound healing and helps improve oral problems such as mouth ulcers and gingivitis. Because of these benefits, propolis is often referred to as “nature’s antibiotic.” Additionally, propolis has immune-enhancing abilities, strengthening the body’s self-defense mechanisms.

Taking propolis with Echinacea can comprehensively enhance immune function, effectively eliminate oral and throat bacteria, soothe throat itching, and reduce the chances of upper respiratory tract infections.

Since propolis is a bee product, individuals who are allergic to bee honey or pollen are advised to consult a doctor before taking propolis.

Related Product: YesNutri Bee Propolis 2000 with EchinaceaYesNutri Pure Brazil Bee Propolis

**This article is for reference purposes only. It is not intended to provide professional treatment or medical care or prevent any disease. Please consult with healthcare professionals regarding any concerns.