Different organs have their own main role in body system. The heart is responsible for blood circulation. The brain is center of the nervous system and the stomach help to digest food. However, people often forget one important organ, the liver, which is also called the “human detoxification factory”.

Main functions of the liver:

  • Regulation of sugar, protein and fat level in blood
  • Detoxification and removal of blood bilirubin, ammonia or other toxins
  • Process nutrients obtained from diet and transform them into the active form
  • Storage of nutrients, such as vitamin A, iron and other essential minerals
  • Synthesis of proteins
  • Synthesis coagulation factors to help blood coagulation
  • Decompose and metabolize alcohol and many drugs

How to protect your liver?

  • Balanced Diet
    A balanced diet is essential to protect your liver. You should pay good attention to the salt, sugar and fat content in each meal to ensure not to intake excessive salt, sugar and fat. Moreover, animal organs contain high level of cholesterol and fats. Consumption of animal organs should be minimized to reduce the liver load and promote liver health.
    Each meal should contain large amounts of fiber, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole wheat bread, rice and cereal foods. High fiber contents food can induce intestinal peristalsis and reduce constipation.
  • Reduce Body Weight
    High body weight can increase the risk of fatty liver. Fatty liver would affect liver function and may lead to more severe liver diseases. Therefore, you should maintain BMI at a normal level (18.5-24.9).
  • Moderate Exercise
    You should do moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, such as, walking, jogging or swimming which can increase the burning of body fat and promote liver health.
  • Reduce Alcohol Consumption
    An enzyme in the liver cells is used in the decomposition of alcohol. Liver enzymes can break down alcohol into other inactive chemicals, and they will be further broken down into water and carbon dioxide. These chemicals are excreted through urine and lungs. Excessive alcohol will increase the workload of your liver which can increase the risk of fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis or other liver diseases.
  • Understand Your Own Medication
    Most of the medicine are decomposed and metabolized by the liver. They should be taken in accordance with the instructions of the doctor. Excessive intake of iron, niacin and vitamin A can also influence the health of your liver.
  • Liver Health Supplement
    Milk Thistle has detoxification effect and can resist and excrete toxins effectively. They can improve liver function and repair of liver cells as well.
卓營方-Yesnutri-奶薊草-Milk thistle